Thunder Dollz
B Team
of Green Country Roller Girls |
Score Difference Per Bout
300 pts
300 pts
200 pts
200 pts
100 pts
100 pts
300 pts
300 pts
200 pts
200 pts
100 pts
100 pts
Scores Per Bout
300 pts
300 pts
200 pts
200 pts
100 pts
100 pts
300 pts
300 pts
200 pts
200 pts
100 pts
100 pts
Date | Sanc. | Home Team | Score | Visitor Team | Score | Score Diff | Tournament | Bout Stats |
6/24/12 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 286 | RTRD: Big Dam Roll... | 33 | 253 | Stats | |
5/12/12 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 155 | Mississippi Roller... | 187 | -32 | Stats | |
4/14/12 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 123 | Enid | 104 | 19 | Stats | |
3/17/12 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 205 | Sisterhood of Stee... | 72 | 133 | Stats | |
2/11/12 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 257 | RTRD: Breakneck Br... | 61 | 196 | Stats | |
8/20/11 |
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RVRG: Rough Cuts | 150 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 103 | -47 | Stats | |
8/7/11 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 220 | MOKAN | 32 | 188 | Stats | |
6/26/11 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 171 | OKCRD: Lightning B... | 86 | 85 | Stats | |
6/5/11 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 204 | SRD: Battle Brigad... | 26 | 178 | Stats | |
4/30/11 |
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NCRD: Road Warrior... | 77 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 51 | -26 | Stats | |
4/10/11 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 192 | WCRD: Heartland Ha... | 56 | 136 | Stats | |
3/20/11 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 130 | Sisterhood of Stee... | 45 | 85 | Stats | |
3/13/11 |
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Rock Town | 61 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 374 | 313 | Stats | |
2/27/11 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 158 | ACD: Co Conspirato... | 77 | 81 | Stats | |
9/19/10 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 249 | OKCRD: Lightning B... | 69 | 180 | Stats | |
9/4/10 |
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Tulsa Derby Brigad... | 168 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 162 | -6 | Stats | |
7/18/10 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 267 | NSRD: Natural Disa... | 111 | 156 | Stats | |
6/26/10 |
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Mississippi Roller... | 85 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 102 | 17 | Stats | |
6/18/10 |
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Oklahoma City | 135 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 94 | -41 | Stats | |
5/29/10 |
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Central Oklahoma | 78 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 113 | 35 | Stats | |
5/23/10 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 163 | Tulsa Derby Brigad... | 83 | 80 | Stats | |
5/15/10 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 196 | Amarillo | 124 | 72 | Stats | |
3/20/10 |
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ACD: Co Conspirato... | 88 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 38 | -50 | Stats | |
10/24/09 |
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Central Oklahoma | 129 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 121 | -8 | Stats | |
10/4/09 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 167 | ACD: Co Conspirato... | 24 | 143 | Stats | |
9/13/09 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 167 | Oklahoma City | 66 | 101 | Stats | |
8/15/09 |
-- |
NSRD: Natural Disa... | 130 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 120 | -10 | Stats | |
7/18/09 |
-- |
ACD: Deadly Kenned... | 146 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 99 | -47 | Stats | |
7/10/09 |
-- |
OKCRD: Lightning B... | 73 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 136 | 63 | Stats | |
6/14/09 |
-- |
GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 85 | NCRD: Road Warrior... | 99 | -14 | Stats | |
3/14/09 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 146 | Wicked City | 124 | 22 | Stats | |
2/22/09 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 152 | MOKAN | 105 | 47 | Stats | |
11/30/08 |
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Rock Town | 49 | GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 98 | 49 | Stats | |
8/17/08 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 131 | MOKAN | 107 | 24 | Stats | |
5/18/08 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 129 | Central Oklahoma | 41 | 88 | Stats | |
4/13/08 |
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GCRG: Thunder Doll... | 17 | Springfield | 76 | -59 | Stats |